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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Arashi » ONE » Rain(vo.大野 智)

歌 手: (Arashi)

歌 曲: Rain(vo.大野 智) (專 輯:ONE)

上傳會員: aiwa1230

日 期: 2005 - 8

歌 詞
作詞:IntoGroove 作曲:Peter Bjorklund,Joel Eriksson
編曲:安部 潤

雨の音響く 君の声消えた


くちばるを ぼくのそれ重ね
抑えて 抱き寄せる

* Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This is Only The Beginning
  君の香りが そう賴り
  Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up? This is Only The Beginning
  一人危ない目で 走り出す

雨の後屆く 沈默のsqueal

君は今 どこにいるの?このまま待てば 

ポケットを探る この手の中に
(ALL Need is Love Just Waiting For You, Understand?)

Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This is Only The Beginning
君の氣配が そう賴り
Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up? This is Only The Beginning
その向こう側まで 走り出す

赤いルージュの ガラスのあと
心に刺さるような 痛み殘し Yeah!

Hey, This is Just The Beginning これはゲームじゃない
This is Only The Beginning 誰も愛しちゃいない
This is Just The Beginning 君に屆かないさ
(This is The Beginning, This is The Start)

* Repeat


08 Rain(vo.大野 智)

雨聲響起 妳的聲音


我壓抑著 將妳擁近

* Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This Is Only The Beginning
  妳的香氣 就是線索
  Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up?This Is Only The Beginning

雨後來臨的 沉默的squeal


在口袋裡探尋 在手裡
(ALL Need Is Love Just Waiting For You, Understand?)

Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This Is Only The Beginning
妳的香氣 就是線索
Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up?This Is Only The Beginning
朝著對面 奔跑出去

彷彿刺痛我心一般 留下痛楚 Yeah!

Hey, This Is Just The Beginning 這並不是遊戲
This Is Only The Beginning 誰都沒有愛上誰
This Is Just The Beginning 根本無法傳達到妳那裡啊
(This Is The Beginning, This Is The Start)

* Repeat


08 Rain
ame no oko kibiku kimi no koe kie ta
juwaki no mukou ni

kimiwa dare toiruno ? himitsu wo kakushi te
boku ni suki to iu

kuchibaruwo bokunosore kasane
osae te daki yose ru

* Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This is Only The Beginning
kimi no kaori ga soutaiyoni
Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up? This is Only The Beginning
hitori abuna i mede hashiri dasu

ame no noto todoku chinmoku no squeal
garasu no ware ru oto

kimiwa ima dokoniiruno ? konomama mate ba
kimiwa kuru no ?

poketto wo saguru kono teno nakani
kiken namonowo motsu
(ALL Need is Love Just Waiting For You, Understand?)

Hey, Now I Don't Wanna Give Up. This is Only The Beginning
kimino kehai ga soutaiyoni
Baby, Why We Gonna Give Up? This is Only The Beginning
sono mukou gawa made hashiri dasu

akai ru^ju no garasu noato
kokoro ni sasa ruyouna itami nokoshi yeah!

hey, this is just the beginning korewa ge^mu janai
this is only the beginning daremo aishi chainai
this is just the beginning kimini todoka naisa
(This is The Beginning, This is The Start)

* Repeat

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